How To Donate:
Donate Online: Click the PayPal button below to make a secure online donation using PayPal. After you will be redirected to PayPal and you can either enter your credit card information or you can pay using your PayPal account.
Annual Membership- Adult $30.00
(Membership Form Required)
Lifetime Membership (Bronze)- $400.00
(Membership Form Required)
Lifetime Membership (Silver)- $750.00
(Membership Form Required)
I Just Want To Support – ( $20.00- Up)
Fee Disclaimer: All payments paid online via PayPal are subject to a 2.2% fee and .30 per transaction fee added to your payment. We understand if you would like to void the fees. If so, please feel free to mail in a donation to our office.
Mail Us A Check: Please make your check payable to Caroline County NAACP and mail to P.O. Box 311, Bowling Green, VA 22427.
How Your Donation Helps:
Every Donation is used to help with advancing our advocacy endeavors and providing much needed resources to our community.